Insurance Broker Facebook Ad Examples
This article contains examples of Facebook Ads for insurance brokers and agents.
If you’re planning to launch a new campaign or optimize an existing Facebook campaign for insurance brokers, you can use these examples for inspiration.
For each example below, I explain what the advertiser has done well. But I also explain what each advertiser could improve on.
You’ll see what style of ad copy works well, different image formats advertisers can use and what calls to action are effective.
In this article, you will also discover..
- What to include in your graphics to improve click-through rates
- A major mistake that many insurance agents make with their images
- The importance of selecting the right campaign objective when setting up your ads
- A trick you can copy from TV shows and use in your ad copy
- A simple change you can make to your images to increase conversion rates
Biz Cover Professional Indemnity Insurance

The Good
What I particularly like in these ads is the ad copy directed to specific occupations. The ads above are directed to mortgage brokers and accountants but Biz Cover is also running ads specific to other professions as well.
The ad copy is simple and makes it clear what is on offer. It uses a form of risk reversal by stating there is no obligation to buy.
Including photos containing people is a surefire way to capture more attention and clicks in your ads. Especially those where the person is looking at the camera and smiling like in these ads.
I generally recommend using a mix of images and text in Facebook Ads graphics, as Biz Cover has done in these ads. This combination generally produces a better conversion rate compared to image only, while maintaining a low enough cost per click.
The Bad
The use of people in the graphics is a positive. But the only problem with Biz Cover’s images is they look very much like stock photos.
Stock photos can still perform well in your ads. But they tend to be associated with commercial advertising. And they can therefore trigger people’s advertising defences.
I would expect these ads to work better if they used real photos of mortgage brokers and accountants that look more authentic.
The graphics used in both ads may also be a bit text-heavy. I do recommend including some text in your graphics but too much text can drive up your costs.
In the past, Facebook wouldn’t even let advertisers run ads that contained too much text in the graphics. Now they will allow it but they will typically charge you a higher CPM (cost per thousand impressions).
How You Can Apply This
- Use your ad copy to call out specific groups you want to target
- Address people’s concerns and objections in your ad copy. Eg. The concern that they will be obligated to proceed
- Use graphics containing people in your ads
A-Plan Car Insurance

The Good
These Facebook Ads from A-Plan Insurance offer a clear and direct benefit – saving money.
“Our clients save an average of £152” is a strong claim to make in an ad. A-Plan was smart to use a precise number like 152. Claims containing specific numbers tend to be perceived as more credible.
Both ads above also contain a call to action. Eg. “Contact us today to get a quote.” Simply including a call to action in your ad copy can increase conversion rates. Yet it’s surprising how many insurance agents fail to do this in their ad copy.
The Bad
As with the Biz Cover ads, I would prefer to see more authentic images rather than stock images.
I would also like to see A-Plan using more text in their ad copy. Right now, they’re doing the bare minimum to generate interest and get clicks on their ad.
This very short ad copy is probably enough to convert some people who just want to save money on their car insurance. But for many others, the three sentences of ad copy won’t be enough to persuade them to click or convert.
Some advertisers suggest that the purpose of a Facebook Ad is simply to generate a click. Then landing page is used to convince the prospect.
Personally, I believe the ad on Facebook SHOULD be used to sell the product, not just the click. I discuss this in more detail in this critique of the Sell Like Crazy book.
How To Apply This In Your Ads
- Highlight a key benefit of using your services
- This could be saving money, saving time, getting better cover, etc..
- Use specific numbers to make your claims more believable. Eg. “We save clients an average of $1537 per year” instead of “$1500 per year”
- Use authentic images of real people instead of stock images
Burg Insurance Group Home Insurance

The Good
This ad makes it clear what is being offered and what the benefit is.
Like with A-Plan Insurance, Burg cite a dollar value that they helped one of their clients to save. Including a number makes the ad copy more compelling compared to just stating that they help clients save money.
However, using a more precise number would help to make the claim more believable.
The Bad
It looks like this advertiser has selected page engagement or page likes as their ad campaign objective. We can see this because the call to action at the bottom right of the ad is “Like Page.”
If your goal is to generate leads from your campaign, you should never use one of Facebook’s page engagement campaign objectives when setting up your ad.
Facebook allows advertisers to select an objective when setting up any ad campaign. You can learn about those campaign types here.
Always select the leads or sales objective if you’re trying to generate leads. When you choose one of these objectives, Facebook will display your ads to the people most likely to fill out your lead form.
How To Apply This In Your Own Ads
- Be sure to select the leads or sales campaign objective if you’re trying to generate leads from your ads
- Highlight a key benefit in your ad
Busy Bee Life Insurance

The Good
This is an excellent use of ad copy to draw people’s attention and engage emotions.
The opening paragraph in the ad copy creates what is known as an open loop. This is a concept you’re probably familiar with from TV series, especially soap operas.
They will end the episode with a dramatic scene and viewers will have unanswered questions in their minds. That’s when the loop is opened…
To close that loop, the viewer will need to watch the next episode to find out what happens and get an answer to their question.
But this concept of open-looping can also be a powerful tool for advertisers to use. And that’s exactly what Busy Bee Life Insurance have done in this ad.
Readers want to know what happened to Nikki after suffering a heart attack. An open loop has been created and people will continue reading to close the loop.
This style of ad copy also tends to get more engagement compared to the other examples in this post. Engagement meaning post likes, comments, shares, clicks…
And engagement is one signal that Facebook uses to determine the relevancy of an ad. If Facebook sees one ad receiving higher engagement, it will believe that the ad must be more relevant and often reward the advertiser with lower costs.

Busy Bee Life Insurance also scores bonus points for their choice of image in the ad.
This image looks like a real customer, not a stock image. It looks like an image that a friend could have posted to Facebook or Instagram.
That means it will blend into the feed and be less likely to trigger people’s automatic advertising defences.
The Bad
The advertiser does deserve credit for their image selection. Compared to the other examples in this article, I would predict this ad to receive a higher click-through rate (CTR).
But I would expect they would have issues with their conversion rate.
This issue could be resolved by adding some text to the image. The text on the image acts as a filter – filtering out people who have no interest in getting a life insurance quote before they click on the ad.
I would also like to see a stronger call to action in the ad. The final sentence in the ad copy does tell readers they can get a quote in two minutes on the website.
But this could be re-worded to provide more clarity to the reader. You need to tell prospects exactly what action they should take next.
For example, “Complete the form on our website to get a free life insurance quote in just two minutes. Click the Get Quote button to get started.”
How You Can Apply This
- Use emotionally engaging ad copy to draw people in
- Use images of real customers instead of stock photography
- Provide a clear call to action, explaining the next step that people should take
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