Alex Becker Shopify Webinar Strategy Revealed
Do you want to influence more people to buy your product?
Obviously the answer is YES. But the real question is HOW?
Alex Becker is a master of influence. He understands human psychology. And he uses that to make people want his products.
In this post, I’m going to review the specific strategies Becker uses in his $200 A Day Shopify Store webinar to make the webinar a selling machine.
After reading this post you will understand the exact webinar strategies that Alex Becker uses. Why he uses them. And how you can apply them to your own marketing.
I’m going to reveal the magic words and phrases Becker uses during the webinar to influence the audience.
You will learn why these words and phrases are so powerful. And the hidden meanings they convey to the viewer.
In this post, I’m also going to reveal…
- How to create a webinar title that draws in your ideal audience.
- What you must do to gain trust from your webinar audience
- What Becker does in the first 5 minutes of his webinar
- How to appeal to a key human desire in your webinar
P.S. These strategies are not just unique to Alex Becker. All of the world’s top gurus are using them. Tai Lopez, Grant Cardone, Frank Kern all apply these same principles.
Who Is Alex Becker? Should You Listen to Him?
Alex Becker is an online entrepreneur. He’s the founder of Source Wave, Market Hero and HYRO. Becker has also written a book called The Ten Pillars of Wealth.
The Alex Becker YouTube channel has over 407,000 subscribers and he has over 266,000 Instagram followers. As of 2020, his net worth is estimated to be $15 million.
If you follow any entrepreneurship content, there’s a very good chance you’ve seen his YouTube ads.

I’ve been following Alex Becker’s content for over five years since he first started with SEO content.
I read his book The Ten Pillars of Wealth, which was actually quite good. But I haven’t used any of his software programs or done his paid courses.
From what I have observed, Alex Becker’s strongest skill is sales and marketing. He knows how to sell.
Becker has attracted skepticism and controversy throughout his career. Some of his critics have labeled him a scam and his in your face marketing techniques have landed him in the ‘fake guru’ space.
Interestingly, his company Source Wave appears to be virtually non-existent in 2020. The Source Wave website is no longer online and the company hasn’t posted on Facebook since 2015.
In 2014, he launched another company called Market Hero. It appears Market Hero is still operating in 2020. But the company hasn’t been active on Facebook since mid-2019.
The Market Hero software is also plagued with bad reviews:

It looks like Becker’s latest software project is HYRO. This appears to have been launched in 2019.
When I was writing this article, I was curious to learn about Becker’s experience with e-commerce stores.
Since he’s teaching people how to create a successful Shopify store, you would expect he must have experience with this himself.
I discovered Becker has a supplements business called Spekter Supplements.
When I first checked, Spekter Supplements weren’t running any Facebook ads. That was at the end of March 2020. Which I thought was ironic, considering Becker teaches people to promote their Shopify stores with Facebook ads.
But as of April 1st 2020, Spekter Supplements is running Facebook ads. It’s always good to see when these gurus actually practice what they preach.
The company is also running display ads to promote their products:

I’m skeptical of Alex Becker’s track record as a software company owner. He seems to be constantly jumping from one project to the next.
And some of his courses have been labeled as a scam. (Which isn’t necessarily true.)
But I do think you can learn a lot from his sales and marketing. He understands his audience extremely well. And he knows how to sell products.
These are three key lessons from Alex Becker’s Shopify webinar.
#1. Have A Compelling Webinar Title
Alex Becker’s webinar title is “$200 A Day Shopify Store.” This title is so clever!
Firstly, it promises a clear outcome.
But why $200 a day?
Why not $100,000 per year. Or $75,000 per month?
His audience is mostly online marketing beginners. He’s not going after people who already have successful businesses.
So $200 a day is enough to get them excited. It would make a big impact on most people’s lives if they could generate an extra $200 every day.
But it’s not too high. And that’s important for two reasons..
- It’s believable
- It’s within your reality
Imagine if the webinar was called $4 Million Dollar Shopify Store.
Most people are going to react to that title with skepticism. Nobody will believe that one webinar could teach them how to create a $4 million dollar Shopify store.
Becker would be instantly labeled as a get rich quick scam artists.
$200 a day is believable. It’s just 10 sales a day of a $20 product. Or 4 sales per day of a $50 product.
It’s also within the reality of most of his audience. They feel like they could achieve $200 a day with the right guidance.
If the title were $4 Million Dollar Shopify Store, it wouldn’t work. $4 million is outside most people’s reality.
Most people have limiting beliefs around what they’re capable of. They don’t believe they could make $4 million from Shopify. So they would simply dismiss the webinar.
P.S. If you’re interested in learning how limiting beliefs affect your marketing, check out this article I wrote about the world’s number one wealth coach, JT Foxx.
This is why dating sites will often use photos of women who most men would consider ‘average.’
If they only used photos of glamorous supermodels, it would be too far outside of most men’s reality. But they do believe they could attract an average looking woman from a dating site.
During the webinar, Becker does make more grand claims. He claims one of his students generated $481,000 in one month for example.
But he’s able to make it more believable by explaining with detail, how that is possible. He can overcome the limiting beliefs of his audience. You can’t provide that sort of explanation within a title or headline.
Provide A Clear & Specific Benefit in The Title
The majority of people who register for a webinar don’t attend.
According to a webinar benchmarks report, the average webinar attendance rate is 46%.
To ensure your webinar attendance rate is as high as possible, you need to give people a strong reason to attend. Your webinar title is your opportunity to do this.
The title of Becker’s webinar advertises a clear, specific benefit: $200 a day income.
When deciding whether to invest their time in watching a webinar, people want to know what they’re going to get out of it.
By using a clear, specific number in the title, Becker makes it even more compelling.
Consider the following webinar titles. Each webinar is in the finance/Forex category. Which would you be most likely to watch?

“Taking stock of the Rand & SA Exchange Control,” is the least compelling of the three webinar titles. It offers no benefit in the title.
“How to Consistently Generate Income Via Financial Markets,” is better. It advertises a benefit. People know what they are going to get out of it. But it’s not specific. How much income will you generate via financial markets?
“How to Make £1000 In Just 90 Minutes A Day Trading Forex,” is the most compelling of the 3 titles. It offers a clear benefit. And it’s specific.
But for many people, this title won’t be believable. Many people will instantly dismiss it as a get rich quick scam. The webinar host would have been smart to use a more believable claim in his title, as Becker did.
Key Lesson: Create a compelling title for your webinar that offers a clear and specific benefit.
#2. Make The First 5 Minutes Count
The first five minutes can make or break a webinar.
If the presenter can’t excite you within those first five minutes, you probably won’t stay on the webinar.
Alex Becker does two things very well in the first 5 minutes.
Creates A Sense of Excitement
Firstly, he gets people excited and anticipating what’s to come.
He gives you the impression that he will give you everything they need to create a profitable Shopify store. And he makes it sound like it’s going to be easy.
Within the first few minutes, he says you will get to see Justin (his co-presenter) build a Shopify store and take it to $200 a day, in just a matter of days.
The viewer is now thinking “wow, I can just watch this guy Justin do it and then copy what he does.“
Becker wants to make this sound easy. That’s his goal in the first five minutes. And his goal throughout the webinar.
People want things to be easy. They want shortcuts. They want someone to show them how to do it. That’s probably why they’re on this webinar in the first place..
Because selling stuff on Shopify seems like it could be easier than working a full time 9-5 job.
Later in this post, I’ll be showing you the exact language patterns that Alex Becker uses to appeal to people’s desire for ease.
Becker understands something very important about the psychology of his webinar viewers…
Webinar viewers don’t register for webinars with the intention to buy.
They want to learn how to build a profitable Shopify store for free. They don’t want to be sold to.
If Becker told viewers in the first 5 minutes that they will need to pay him $1000 to properly learn this, everyone would tune out.
So he needs people to believe they can learn everything they need for free. This is how he does it…
Firstly, he says “we’re not going to hold anything back, this is pure hardcore training content.”
He then goes on to say “other people who attended this exact same training got results like this..” And then shares testimonials from his students who are generating 5-6 figure incomes from Shopify.
It’s probably true that these students did watch the same webinar. But they almost certainly paid $1000+ for the paid course as well.
This is exactly the same formula used by other marketing gurus in their webinars.
Becker gives you the impression that the students were able to produce those results just from the material in the webinar.
That’s an exciting value proposition for viewers. The prospect that you could generate a 5-6 figure income, just from using the information in the webinar is very compelling.
Overcome Concerns
Webinar viewers are going to enter your webinar with concerns and objections. This is particularly true if a lot of your marketing is targeted towards cold traffic.
Becker quickly tackles the major concerns his audience would have. He tackles them all in the first five minutes with this one slide…

Ask almost anyone what concerns they would have about starting an online Shopify store and they will almost certainly say:
- The costs involved in setting it up
- The marketing and business experience required
- The time it would take to learn
He also makes a point of stressing that e-commerce is not an over-saturated market. That’s because he knows that anyone who has researched Shopify and e-com in the past has probably been told that e-commerce is now over-saturated.
People will naturally have concerns about the length of the webinar. Becker eases this concern by saying “do I want to commit the next 30 minutes to listening to this guy.”
This is actually very misleading. The webinar is much longer than 30 minutes. But if the viewer thinks they only have to spend 30 minutes to the webinar, they are going to feel more at ease.
So to recap what Becker accomplishes in just the first five minutes of his webinar:
- Gets people excited about what’s possible with Shopify
- Makes them believe they can get results for free
- Overcomes their biggest concerns about Shopify
Key Lesson: In any webinar, you should try to make every second of those first 5 minutes count. Give the audience extremely compelling reasons to stay for the rest of the presentation.
#3. Establish Authority
If you want someone to watch your full 60+ minute webinar and ultimately buy from you, they need to see you as an authority.
In his classic book on influence and persuasion, Dr. Robert Cialdini discusses how we have an automatic response to trust people we perceive as an authority.
Knowing this, savvy webinar hosts will try to position themselves as an authority in their field from early in the webinar. Becker uses the slide below to position himself as an authority, six minutes into his webinar.

In this slide, Becker shows he has a published book, has spoken on stage and appeared alongside well known influencer Grant Cardone.
People naturally associate writing books and speaking on stage with authority. People will assume that if you’ve written a book or spoken in front of an audience, you must be an expert.
By including the picture with Grant Cardone, Becker benefits from authority by association.
Grant Cardone is well known in the business and entrepreneurship space and chances are, many people in Becker’s audience view him as an authority.
By showing himself alongside Cardone, some of Cardone’s credibility is transferred to Becker.
Becker also states that he is generating $600 – $800k per month to further build his perceived credibility.
By establishing that he is an authority from early in the webinar, Becker increases the chances that his audience will accept what he tells them for the remainder of the webinar.
If your audience doesn’t view you as an authority, they’re likely to be more skeptical about claims you make throughout the webinar and may tune out completely.
Key Lesson: Establish yourself as an authority from early in the webinar to gain the trust of your audience.
#4. Appeal to Desire for Ease and Simplicity
This is the most powerful tactic used by Becker during the webinar.
In my in-depth post on marketing psychology, I explain why the desire for ease and simplicity is so effective in marketing
Becker spends almost the entire webinar trying to create a perception of ease and simplicity. Because he knows how powerful this is.
People are drawn to ease and simplicity. They are repelled by things that are hard and complex.
Your brain wants to conserve energy. It might need it for something important later. So it will resist anything that it perceives as difficult.
If you understand this, it will change the way you market and sell.
ClickFunnels founder Russell Brunson used this knowledge to sell over $3.2 million in one presentation.
People generally don’t want to think for themselves. Thinking requires energy. This is why people enjoy watching TV, listening to music, watching movies. Very little thought is required.
But people naturally expect that making money through an online business will require deep thought. Knowing that is unappealing to most people, Becker does his best to convince the audience that he has done the work already – eliminating the need for deep thought.

I’m going to explain exactly how Becker uses high impact words and phrases to appeal to the viewer’s desire for ease.
You will learn the subtle implications of these words and phrases. And then you can copy them into your webinars and marketing for the same effect.
Consider the language used in this slide…

There are many persuasion tricks being applied in this slide. But I’m just going to focus on those that appeal to the desire for ease.
I have highlighted the key phrases that appeal to the desire for ease.
“We are literally cloning what is already working and blowing up right now.” The word ‘cloning’ gives you the impression that you just need to copy what Alex Becker and Justin are doing and you will get the exact same result.
“Already working” is another keyphrase. This tells you that someone else has done the hard work. There’s no need to figure out how to make it work yourself.
He then expands on this by saying “we are not having to figure it out.”
People don’t want to figure it out. Figuring it out is hard.
And then he goes on to say that picking products, running ads and generating free traffic will be child’s play after watching the webinar.
Of course, this couldn’t be further from the truth. All of those things are extremely difficult. But if the viewer knew that, their brain would resist.
This next slide is also packed with power words and phrases…

Process is a great word for appealing to people’s desire for ease. Consider the definition of process:
” a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end”
The idea of having actions and steps to follow appeals to your brain. The word “blueprint” basically has the same implication as “process.” But with even greater impact.
Blueprint makes the viewer think of a very detailed plan that is almost foolproof. Everything is laid out in a blueprint.
That’s why so many writers and course creators use the word “blueprint.”

Remember what I said earlier about why the brain is attracted to ease and simplicity?
Your brain wants to conserve energy.
And thinking requires a lot of energy. You’ve probably heard before that your brain accounts for just 2% of your body weight but 20% of your energy.
Also, the average person uses 320 calories in a day just for thinking.
Figuring out how to build a Shopify store, run Facebook ads and pick products is hard. It requires a lot of thinking. And that scares the brain.
But replicating a process or following an extremely repeatable blueprint sounds easy. All you have to do is follow the steps you’re given. That doesn’t require much thinking.
Overcoming Self Doubt
There’s another reason why words like process and blueprint have such an impact.
People doubt their own abilities.
Everyone has limiting beliefs about what they’re capable of.
Most of Becker’s audience has probably tried making money online before. The fact that they’re on this webinar suggests they probably failed in those attempts.
Now they have lost belief in themselves. They’re not sure if they can figure out how to make money online on their own.
But they know they can follow a blueprint.
They feel excited now. Someone else is going to show them exactly what they have to do. All they need to do is follow the steps to be successful.
Initially, Becker uses the appeal to the desire for ease to get you to watch the webinar… Just follow the steps in this webinar and you will be successful, is his message.
Once you get to the pitch, Becker reveals it’s actually not so easy.
At least if you do it alone…
Most sales webinars follow this same formula. They give you the perception that you can make money or achieve XY result just by following the information in the webinar.
They get you excited.
You’re filled with hope.
But then they reveal it’s not so easy. Unless you purchase their training…
Then they use the desire for ease to sell their high priced course…

“The key to getting the right products and right target the first time.”
This wording is powerful, particularly “the first time.“
Getting the right products and targeting the first time is appealing. Nobody wants to have to take multiple attempts to get it right.
Multiple attempts = hard.
Get it right the first time = easy.
“Hand held, every detail covered.” Hand held is a particularly powerful term to use. The message it conveys is “we’re going to help you every step of the way and make sure you’re successful.”
“Every detail covered” gives the viewer assurance. The viewer wants to know Becker isn’t holding anything back in this training.
Whether you’re running a webinar or developing a marketing campaign, you can benefit from focusing on the simplicity of your solution.
Highlight anything that will make your customer’s life easier. And use power words that imply simplicity or convenience.
Key Lesson: Appeal to people’s desire for ease in your webinar. If you’re product really makes people’s lives easier or offers convenience, you should make that a key focus of your webinar. But be careful not to mislead people.
#5. Offer A Solid Guarantee
No matter how well you structure the rest of your webinar, people are naturally going to be reluctant when you ask for the sale.
The reason for this is loss aversion bias.
Basically, the pain of loss is twice and powerful as the pleasure of gain.
When Becker asks his audience to register for his course, he is offering the possibility of gain. You could follow his training and build a profitable Shopify store.
But there is also a possibility of loss…
You could pay $2000 for the course and never make any profit from your Shopify store.
That possibility of loss scares people and will stop many from buying.
But you can overcome (or at least minimize) the fear of loss by offering a strong guarantee. In his webinar, Becker offers a 32 day money back guarantee on his training course.

By offering a guarantee like this, Becker is able to ease the fears of his audience. He wants them to feel like they have nothing to lose.
Some businesses are afraid to offer a guarantee like this, fearing that customers could take advantage. But if you offer a good product, very few people will try to take advantage of the offer.
And considering how strong the fear of loss can be, anything to reduce that fear is generally well worth it.
Another way to overcome the loss aversion bias is by creating fear of inaction. Becker does this by highlighting what you could miss out on if you don’t register for his course.
If the consequences of not buying outweigh the cost of the product you offer then people are much more likely to buy.
You will often see this in the diet and weight loss industry. Advertisers will emphasize the consequences of not losing weight such as illness and shortened life span.
Key Lesson: A strong guarantee will help to overcome the viewer’s fear of loss.

If you want to see Alex Becker’s Shopify webinar yourself, the recording is available here.
I could go into much more detail about the other techniques used during the webinar. But I suggest trying to identify them for yourself.
While these strategies discussed are powerful, they should be used with caution. Many webinar hosts have drawn criticism for making misleading and deceptive claims in their webinars.
A compelling webinar title is important, but that’s not an excuse to make an unrealistic promise to click bait viewers.
And if you tell viewers that you have a simple method to achieve X or Y result, you better be able to back it up. Making deceptive claims will quickly earn you a bad reputation.
Webinars are one of the most effective ways to sell your product or service. And using the strategies outlined in this post, you can create an extremely compelling and high converting webinar.
If you’re new to webinars, I suggest starting with an easy to use webinar platform like Easy Webinar.
The lessons I wrote about in this post can obviously be applied to webinars. But they certainly apply to other forms of marketing as well.
You can apply these ideas to blog posts, YouTube videos, sales pages and Facebook ads.
If you’re interested in learning more about how to apply human behavior and psychology principles to your marketing, take a look at my analysis of other marketing gurus…
Russell Brunson’s $3.2 Million Presentation: The Influence Psychology
Kerwin Rae $17 Million Marketing Funnel Analysis
Psychology Tactics Used By JT Foxx to Sell $250,000+ At Free Seminars