Anik Singal $100 Million Marketing Secrets Revealed
Anik Singal and other online marketing gurus have mastered the art of persuasion.
They can influence hundreds or even thousands of students to purchase their $1000+ digital courses.
But how do they do it?
Understanding how influence and persuasion work will make you a powerful marketer.
This post reveals some of the most effective marketing and persuasion techniques Anik Singal uses.
These techniques have helped Singal sell over $100 million in online products and build a $10 million dollar per year business.
After reading this article you will have much more confidence in how to position your products for maximum persuasive impact. These strategies are the fundamentals of successful digital marketers so pay close attention.
You will learn:
- How Anik Singal makes you feel indebted to buy his program
- How to use a time-tested copywriting technique that sells
- A loophole in the brain that Anik Singal and other marketers use to their advantage
- A technique that makes your audience trust you
Who Is Anik Singal?
Anik Singal is an American online entrepreneur and author well-known in the digital marketing space. He is also the founder of VCC Mind and Lurn, Inc. – an online platform selling courses mainly related to digital marketing.
Lurn also features courses from well known gurus like Robert Kiyosaki and Les Brown…

Anik Singal’s YouTube channel has 75,000 subscribers and his Instagram profile has over 32,000 subscribers. His largest following is definitely Facebook where he has 1,044,697 followers.
Anik Singal’s net worth is unknown. However, this website estimates it at $24 million.
Singal has drawn some criticism and skepticism.
His company VCC Mind is no longer active and you can see that the website domain is currently for sale. Moreover, there are numerous complaints online about his questionable business practices.
Regardless, Singal has likely amassed a lot of wealth from his online products.
I haven’t personally bought any of his courses or books. But after closely examining his marketing strategies it’s clear that Singal is a very skilled salesman.
He knows how to influence people. And this is confirmed even by those who criticize him.
Let’s take a look at the 4 killer techniques Anik Singal uses and how you can apply them to your own business.
#1. The Rule of Reciprocity
This is a common technique used by most online marketing gurus. If executed properly it can be very influential.
The rule of reciprocity says that people feel indebted to return the favor when someone does something nice for them.
Imagine you injure your leg while out in public. A passerby sees you in pain and offers to give you a ride to the hospital.
Even if that person isn’t your friend but rather a complete stranger you would still feel a desire to return the favor.
The rule of reciprocity is one of the six persuasion triggers that Robert Cialdini outlines in his best selling book Influence. Singal understands this concept well and leverages it to sell high ticket courses.
He offers his book “ The Email Edge” as a free download. As of May 2020, he’s currently running 5 Facebook Ad campaigns promoting this book.

You firstly need to register for his 90-minute workshop to receive your free copy of “The Email Edge” at the end.
The good news is the webinar is also free of charge. As well as this, his audience receives more free trainings via email when they register.
How does this benefit Singal?
All of this free training is creating a sense of indebtedness. Each time he gives you something for free, it builds a desire to reciprocate. His hope is that the audience will reciprocate by purchasing his paid course.
This is also an example of the foot in the door technique…
An individual is more likely to agree to a larger request after already agreeing to a smaller request from the same person.
Singal gets his foot in the door by making small requests that require only a little commitment. For example, ‘watch my webinar.’
Once someone has agreed to comply with this smaller request, they are much more likely to comply with his larger request that comes at the end of the webinar.
By initially making a smaller request, it allows Singal the opportunity to persuade the audience further. If he were to begin with a large, high commitment request, he would likely miss out on this opportunity to influence the viewer.
You can read more about the foot in the door technique in my marketing psychology principles guide.
The practice of giving away free content is commonly used in the online marketing space.
Helpscout also utilizes the power of this technique. They offer free guides on customer acquisition, conversion and other digital marketing topics on their website.
Firstly, they get their foot in the door with free content. Then they make a small request – asking for your email address. Once they have your email address they make larger requests in their emails, knowing you will be more likely to comply.
This is one of the reasons email marketing is so effective.
#2. The PAS Formula
PAS stands for “Problem.Agitate.Solve” and is a time-tested copywriting formula. It’s simple, yet very effective.
Firstly, you identify a problem your audience has. You should describe it vividly. This is how your audience starts to imagine and feel the pain from it.
To be effective, it needs to be a problem that you know your audience suffers from and is aware of.
The second step is to agitate the problem. Spice it up so it starts to hurt even more. You want to increase the sense of pain associated with this problem.
Then, at last, present a solution to that problem.
This formula is used everywhere in advertising. Here is a good example of the PAS formula from the sales page of an Amazon book about stress relief. I highlighted the problem in orange, the agitation in red and the solution in green.

We can see how Anik Singal uses the PAS formula in his Facebook ads. His target audience is people who aren’t happy with their financial situation.
This is a very general and large group. Virtually anybody could be looking to make extra money or even replace their full-time income.
Right from the start of the video, he addresses the problem – that people are living paycheck to paycheck.

He then goes on to agitate the sense of pain associated with this problem.
Then he presents his program as a solution to the problem. Suddenly you feel much better because you have a way to resolve the problem. You can “take control of your own life” as he claims.
He also offers testimonials from his successful students. This further positions his program and a quality solution to the problem.
These testimonials also activate the bandwagon effect. This is also known as social proof. You can read more about social proof in my Kevin Rae $17 Million Marketing Funnel article.
#3. Desire For Ease And Simplicity
Seeking ease and simplicity is deeply installed in humans. It’s how our brains function.
Your brain will naturally filter out complex information and gravitate towards things perceived as easy. This is a survival mechanism that allows you to save energy.
Anik Singal promises to teach you how to build a business that will generate passive income with nothing more than your email.
But that’s not all. He appeals to the desire for ease and simplicity from the beginning to the very end of his marketing funnel.

Words and phrases like “proven”, “simple steps”, “done for you” all imply ease. His promise is that you will not only make lots of money. But you will do it with EASE.
His webinar registration page continues to develop this sense of ease.
He uses the phrase “Stay-at-Home” to further simplify things. For added convenience, he highlights that multiple time and date options are available.
The countdown timer creates a sense of urgency. The purpose of this is to make you watch the webinar immediately rather than leaving it for later.
You can see how Alex Becker appeals to the desire for ease and simplicity to sell his Shopify course.
Both Anik Singal and Alex Becker use specific words that trigger a sense of ease. You can apply these same words and phrases in your own marketing to appeal to this natural human desire.
#4. Authority & Credibility
It is proven that people are much more likely to believe information from an authority figure. The analytical part of the brain almost switches off when we receive information that comes from an authority.
That’s because humans naturally assume information from credible figures to be true.
From an early age, we are taught to respond to authority. First to our parents, then to our teachers in school, after that our boss and so on.
Individuals and businesses can create an authority perception by associating themselves with credible people and companies.
How does Singal use this concept? He uses the Lurn platform to associate himself with prominent figures like Daymond John and Les Brown. Also, the webinar contains many photos of Singal with respected authority figures like Robert Kiyosaki.
He often mentions his 16+ years of experience in digital marketing in a further effort to generate credibility.
His website includes a “featured in” section, associating him with well-respected companies. This allows Singal to piggy-back off the credibility associated with organizations like Ted Talks and CBS.

As we already mentioned Anik uses social proof. A lot. This is one of the main tactics used to give him a sense of authority.
On his website, he claims that he has taught close to 400,000 students through the Lurn platform.

By presenting these numbers, it helps the viewer feel more comfortable purchasing one of his courses. People will naturally assume that if almost 400,000 others have placed their trust in Singal, he must be trustworthy.
You can view Anik Singal’s webinar here.
By watching the webinar, you’ll be able to identify the influence and persuasion techniques that he uses, yourself.
These techniques don’t only apply to Facebook ads and webinars. They can be applied anywhere in your marketing funnel.
The techniques discussed in this article should be used with caution. They can be extremely powerful. But if used wrongly, they can turn customers away.
Before applying these tactics, you should try to understand exactly how and why they work. I suggest reading some of my other posts where I analyze marketing campaigns and the persuasion techniques used in them.
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