
Blogging Tips For Fitness Businesses

In this post, you’re going to learn how to accelerate the success of your fitness blog and the huge benefits of blogging.

This post applies to any business in the health and fitness industry that wants to get more leads, more sales and more brand visibility.

While in 2022, many businesses in the fitness space are focusing on social media channels like Instagram, TikTok and Facebook, it’s easy to overlook blogging.

But blogging can actually have much greater long term benefits. Social media posts have a limited shelf life. But one single blog post could potentially bring thousands of visitors to your website for years to come.

What Type Of Fitness Businesses Can Benefit From Blogging?

Any business within the fitness industry can benefit from a blog. This includes…

  • Gyms
  • Personal trainers
  • Supplement companies
  • Yoga studios
  • Physios and chiropractors
  • Fitness influencers

Each of these businesses can benefit from blogging in different ways.

Those businesses with a national or worldwide target market can have more to gain from blogging. For example, a national supplements company that writes a blog can potentially attract new buyers from all over the country with one single blog post.

But even local based businesses like health clubs and personal trainers can benefit from blogging as well.

The Benefits Of Blogging

Become An Authority

Blogging is a great way to establish yourself as a credible expert. Of course, you will need to post high-quality content to achieve this.

In my post on fitness marketing psychology, I talk about a psychological bias called authority bias. Basically, people are more likely to trust you and buy from you if they perceive you as an authority. Blogging is one way to leverage this bias.

Get Free Traffic Through Search Engines

Many blogs get thousands of free visitors every month from search engines like Google.

Take the website Menno Henselmans for example ( This fitness blog attracts an estimated 32,000+ visitors per month from search engines.

This post on Natural Muscular Potential Of Women gets an estimated 2600 visits per month alone from search engines.

This free traffic from search engines can also open up opportunities to monetize your blog through advertising, affiliate marketing or directly promoting the product you sell.

Learn More: SEO For Gyms

Can Be Re-Used For Social Media Content

If you’re often wondering what to post on your Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts, you can use your blog content.

You can post links directly from social media platforms to blog posts. Or you can even take parts of the blog post and turn them into ‘mini blog posts’ on social media.

This has the added benefit of driving extra traffic to your blog posts.

Tip 1: Learn How To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

There is no point in having a blog if nobody is reading it.

Fortunately, there are multiple ways to get more people visiting your blog. This includes…

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social media
  • Paid traffic – Eg. Facebook Ads
  • Email marketing

You should develop a strategy to drive traffic to your blog based on your budget, time and resources.

If you’re short on time but have money to spend then paid traffic from Facebook Ads can work well to quickly get a lot of people visiting your blog.

But if you don’t have a lot of money to spend and you do have time to spare then you might build your strategy around SEO.

SEO won’t bring in a lot of traffic quickly. But it has the potential to attract thousands of visitors to your blog for free in the long term.

Tip 2: Create Local Content

If you’re a national or global business, you might skip this tip.

But for local businesses like personal trainers, gyms and local nutritionists, creating local-based content can have huge benefits.

local fitness blog content
Example Of Local Based Fitness Content

Here are some examples of local-based blog posts you could create..

  • Best Walking Trails in Vancouver
  • The Top Healthy Cafes in Denver
  • 7 Best Health Food Stores in Melbourne
  • Health Tips For New York City Residents

Depending on your city, there often won’t be a lot of competition on Google for posts and keywords like this. That means it will be easier to rank in Google and get free search engine traffic.

It will also make for great content to post on social media. People naturally take a particular interest in content that is specific to where they live.

And it’s a great way to start building your profile in your local city.

Tip 3: Create Unique Content

Health and fitness is a very competitive space for bloggers. There are hundreds of thousands of health and fitness blogs online.

If you want to stand out, you need to create unique content.

Look for article ideas that haven’t been covered by 5000 others blogs. Or consider how you can provide a fresh spin on popular topics.

There are many ways that you can set yourself apart and create unique content…

  • Create a unique style of writing, unlike traditional blogs
  • Cater your content for a unique market (Nerd Fitness is a great example of this)
  • Build content around your own experiences (or experiences of your clients)

When I first started the Conversion Buzz blog, I created unique content by posting case studies about marketing campaigns from well-known influencers.

Very few marketing blogs are doing this so it gave the Conversion Buzz website a unique point of difference. It also allowed me to start ranking in search engines for lower competition keywords, which helped with SEO.

4. Develop Your Credibility

If you’re using your blog to generate SEO/search engine traffic, it’s crucial that search engines view your website as a credible source of information.

Search engines have developed their algorithms to detect what they believe are credible sources of information. This is particularly true in the health and fitness space.

Basically, Google doesn’t want an article about “How To Lower Blood Pressure” that was written by a 16 year old with no medical training, showing up on the first page of search results.

Credibility is not just an important factor for SEO. It’s important to convey credibility to all readers of your blog.

People want assurance that they’re getting reliable information they can trust. Especially when it comes to their own health.

So how do you convey credibility to both search engines and to your readers?

  • Make sure there is a person behind the content – include an author bio on your posts
  • Promote your experience and qualifications. If you have multiple writers on your blog, create author bios for each of them
  • Write blog posts for other websites that link back to your website. Ensure each of these posts contains an author bio with your name
  • Try to gain media exposure – pitch content to magazines, local news, etc..
  • Link from your website to your social media – this signals to search engines and readers that you are a real person


Whether you’re a supplements business, a local gym or an influencer selling online fitness programs, blogging can have some serious benefits for your business.

Remember that blogging is a long term strategy and it’s going to take time to see results. But you can speed up this process through running Facebook Ads to your posts, promoting blog posts through social media and applying SEO strategies.

If you want to learn more about blogging, check out my post about the Making Sense of Cents blog. This is a blog that generates over $1 million per year and in that post I explain how. It’s a personal finance blog but the same strategies can be applied to health and fitness.

I have have another great post explaining the strategies used by Adam Enfroy to grow his blog to over $1 million per year in less that three years.

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